Saturday 31 December 2011

2011? Phhh that's old news!

Hey randoms!

It's New Years Eve and I have to admit, 2011 has been great. But it's time to move on and see the New Year with a new light. 

I see 2012 to be a year that comes with many opportunities and many days to be thankful for. More tears, more laughter, more hugs and more smiles. There's no reason to shunt off the year to come. 

Of course, a tradition that comes with the New Year are new resolutions. Goals that you wish to achieve in the up coming year. (Gosh I'm using the word year a lot) 

I have no idea what my resolutions were at the start of this year but I've got 4 for next year.

- start ticking off stuff from my bucket list

- start cleaning up my room more (I can barely see my bedroom floor)

-post more stuff on my  blog

-get out of my comfort zone more.


- let go, relax and smile and laugh more.

Yeah lame, I know, but I can't really think of anything since in pretty happy with life right now. But I guess a major thing for all you guys out there to do next year is BE HAPPY!!! There are so many people that I know who just arent happy. 

If your feeling down, take off that frown. Do what you want to put a smile, on your own little dial. Yeah it rhymes,kinda. If you put yourself first you'll be happy in no time. So while you sit and think about your New Year resolutions, make sure to put that in too ;)

Until next post, 


Thursday 22 December 2011

Tis The Season To Go Shopping!

Hey there randoms!

Sigh. It's finally Christmas time, and as we deck the halls with tinsel, lets sit back and think. What is Christmas really about? Is it all about toys, Santa, snow or reindeer. Is it about giving gifts, receiving gifts and running your bank account dry. Sure, all that stuff plays major parts in Christmas, but it's all at the roots.

Now, some of you reading this post may or may not be catholic, but i am one myself. As we Catholics (and Christians) believe, Jesus Christ was born into the world on Christmas day, to spread the good news about God. He brought us peace, joy and happiness and freed us from sins, which we definitely are thankful for. So Christmas is about putting aside time to praise your god/s, and thanking them for the b-e-a-utiful world we live in. 

Christmas is also about  the Christmas spirit.

What is the spirit of Christmas, you ask? By typing in 'define Christmas spirit' into Goggle you'd find the first result to be Goggles dictionary, explaining that it is the name of Donna Summer's 1994 Christmas album, which isn't what I'm talking about.

Having the Christmas spirit is all about giving freely to others and not expecting more back. It's about donating those old clothes at the bottom of you cupboard to a charity, sacrificing your time to help those in homeless shelters and even giving a friend a lift so they can visit their aging relatives to celebrate. Keeping a smile on your face, making peace with old enemies and doing your best to make everybody happy fuels the Spirit and should keep it going for the rest of the month (that doesn't give you an excuse to stop being happy through the whole new year mind you). There's nothing better than to walk around with a big smile on your face and offering help to those in need. (Although, I wouldn't recommend doing this to every stranger you see, since that's kind of creepy...) So, this season, do yourself a favor and help others in need while putting a smile on every one's dial. It's sure to make your Christmas a beautiful one.

But of course, the hype of Christmas has caught up to us, and the true meanings have been buried underneath all the toys, gifts, shopping, wrapping paper and tinsel. And so have I, buried underneath all that commercialization, since the busyness of the season has caused me to be at the shopping center every day of the week. So as you may have noticed I haven't had the time to update my Mutant Mondays and WRWW (What R We Watching) but don't worry. You should be getting the full package in a few days , preferably after Christmas, and the blog should be ready and up to date.

Until next time, keep your Christmas Spirit alive, and maybe listen to that Donna Summer album...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

What Are We Watching?: Puss In Boots, The Movie

Hey there randoms!

Today was the last day of school! Yeah, summer holidays! The sad thing is that we had school for an extra week while most other schools in Australia ended 2 weeks ago. Anyways, It's a tradition that during the last day of school all of the students are taken to the beach for a picnic and a swim. Sadly, the Australian weather has been harsh and it decided to rain. So instead, the school took us to the movies. But, we had to watch Puss In Boots, while the seniors got to watch Jack and Jill (Adam Sandler). Yeah, the last day of school was a bummer, but at least we got to wear mufti instead of our heavy knee length skirts and uncomfortable polo shirts. Blegh!

Now that it's the summer holidays I realized that I'm going to be going to the movies a lot more often than i used to since that seems to be the result my family comes to when we have nothing to do for the weekend. So I'm hoping I'll be able to review a few more movies for you to enjoy instead of you going to see a dud moving picture. And I won't only be reviewing the movies that are currently in the cinemas, I might do a few DVDs too since we are close to a Video Ezy.

ANYWAYS... as you can tell from the title I'm going to write a quick movie review on Puss In Boots because there's nothing else for me to do.So here goes...

The beloved character from the Shrek movie franchise is back in his own tail of adventure (ha-ha please excuse the pun). With his boots on his paws and sword in his belt, Puss in Boots sets out to retrieve the golden eggs, along with two companions, Humpty Alexander Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws. But the notorious Jack and Jill stands in their way and an age old feud between Puss and Humpty is still fresh in their midst. As well as sword fights and dance fights, the movie also explains the life of Puss, and how he earned his famous boots.

So I wrote all that to make the movie sound good, but in all honesty, it just wasn't my type of movie. I guess that's because the movie is for little children. It wasn't that bad though. There are a lot of funny parts that keep you interested and features Puss in boots' famous wide eye stare, and since the movie shows his child hood years, the cuteness factor goes to a million:

 The plot does seem to be a little all over the place but does make sense at the end. The Spanish-type music in the film is beautiful and really makes you feel like getting up and dancing the flamenco. Antonio Banderas (Puss), Salma Hayek (Kitty), Zack Galifianakis (Humpty), Billy Bob Thornton(Jack) and Amy Sedaris(Jill) did quite well for the voices of their characters and made them more believable. And that one cat that kept going "Oooohhhh" while Puss and Kitty were talking was hilarious.

All in all the movie is funny (not the funniest but funny enough), cute and pretty entertaining.If you've got nagging little children around you, take them to the cinemas soon because watching this will definitely keep them happy. It will be more fun watching it with little children then with teenager. I have to give Puss In Boots 3.5 out of 5.

Stay tuned for more...

Monday 12 December 2011

Mutant Mondays: Welcome to the worst day of the week...


The day that starts the week. The day that Sunday decided to throw up. The day that means work time. The day that I'm always the sleepiest. The day that moves the slowest.


don't have to be so bad anymore! What's better than starting the week off by looking at a picture of an animal and laughing your normal looking head off or going, HUH??? This is Mutant Mondays. A group of blog posts where I'll be writing about the weirdest and whackiest creatures on our dear planet Earth. Everything on Earth is perfect right?


Sometimes nature might wake up one day and say "Hmm, i feel like stuffing up one of my designs today. Yeah, that one bug looks too normal. Lets give it an ugly, or pretty to some people, shade of pink. That would be funny."

So on this wet and cold Monday arvo I present to you.....
Drum roll please!

The Pink Katydid:

This mutated form of cricket was first discovered 1887 and is so rare, there's a better chance of you spotting a unicorn in the woods than this little critter. Katydids are a type of cricket and are usually green or grey, but this rare pink cricket is a 1 in 500 mutation, so it's really rare. This bright shade is the result of a condition called erythrism, a condition that also turns other animals albino (white).  Not many people have been sucessful in breeding pink Katydids in captivity, until 2009, where an insectarium in New Orleans captured a male and female pink Katydid. These produced a new litter of pink baby Katydids.

The world may not be perfect, so you're better off accepting it. I guess the whole point of Mutant Mondays is to let others know that even though you may not be perfect, you're brilliant for being you. Smile my pretties, and embrace this tired day as you strut through thinking 'that's right, I'm not perfect, but i got a pink cricket on my side. Who's on yours, huh?'

Have a lovely week, and see you next Monday for another update on...

Keep that randomness going! <3

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Leave the Pieces cover by Fionic

This was sent to me from a friend who wanted to spread her friends beautiful singing. Everyone gets stage fright sometimes.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Happy Birthday Google!

Jeez you are growing so fast! Google has turned 13 today and have a cute doodle on their home page:

Google has definitley contributed greatly to world modern culture. The term "google it" is the answer to nearly any question you don't know the answer to. As well as being a major search engine, its also given us this... Blogger! Now they have also released a new program called Google+. It's like facebook but with google.  Anyways google has had so many awesome doodles to celebrate certain days. Here are some of the best.

Sept 24, 2011- Jim Henson's 75th Birthday
(the Muppet's are supposed to move but i cant find the moving version on the Internet)

Sept 5, 2011- Freddie Mercury's 65th Birthday.
(Click here for the moving version)

Aug 6, 2011- Lucille Ball's 100th Birthday
(Click here for the moving version)

Its so cute, a little old fashioned television set.

Jun 9, 2011- Les Paul's Birthday
(Click here for the awesome guitar)

 Sept 7, 2010- Google hates the mouse.
This isn't a certain day but it's fun. Click here to find out what I'm talking about.

Oct 9, 2010- John Lennon's 70th Birthday

May 11, 2011- Martha Graham's 117th Birthday
(Click here for moving version)

May 21, 2010- PAC-MAN's 30th Anniversary
(Click here for playable version)

Feb 8, 2011- Jules Vern's 183rd Birthday
(Click here for moving version)

Apr 12, 2011- 50th Anniversary of First Man in Space
(Click here for moving version)

Apr 22, 2011- Earth Day
(Click here for moving version)

Apr 3, 2011- 119th Anniversary of the First Documented Ice Cream Sundae
It doesn't move but it has to be the best day EVER! YUMMY lol

And just to finish this blog off here's the very first google doodle made in Aug 30, 1998 and was made by the google doodlers just to say that they were away for the burning man festival. Who knew it would turn out to become a whole new thing for google.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Randum Text Pics :D


      (   )
 ___|_|____/  /__
 --------------\  \--       haha it's a bird with crazy eyes

    (\ /)
    ( . .)
   c('')('')     haha it's a bunny

                 /                 \
       \         \      ,   ,      /          /
        '  -  .    \    (   )   /    .  -   '
   .  -   -  _   \_(       )_/   _  -   -  .
 /       / '     /'      " "      '\      '\       \
         |       |       > <       |       |
         \       \                  /      /     
                   '    .___.   '

ARGH! lol it's a spider!!!

To make you happy again I got you a smiley:


Lunar Eclipse in Australia. 15/6/2011

Last night there was a spectacular lunar eclipse which turned the moon a blood red. I missed it. :( I always seem to miss the most important eclipses. The only eclipse i remember witnessing is the eclipse of Mars. But that was while I was in year five so I don'tremember the date. But I can at least look forward to the upcoming solar eclipse in Australia on the 13th of November, 2012, and the lunar eclipse on the  10th of December, 2011.

Monday 13 June 2011


This is the post, inside a post, inside a post. hahaha. If you didn't get that, go watch Inception. The best movie EVER!!! Many people find it confusing, but I guess that's kind of the point. If you need to watch it twice, or even three times to understand it then do it. I'm proud to say that I understood the movie after only one watch, which according to most reviewers is a great achievement. :P Well anyway, If you haven't seen it yet then, what the heck? You need to see it ASAP! If you have seen it, what did you think about it, especially the ending. When it stopped and didn't show what happened to his totem, I went mental. Please comment and let me know. Here are a few funny pics about inception:

This is just the movie poster. It isn't supposed to be funny but I thought it would be nice if you saw it. :P

Sunday 12 June 2011

Condensed milk lollies!

I made these a few days ago and they tasted great! It is like sweet caramel type candy but with condensed milk instead. Here's the recipe :

1 can of condensed milk
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of milk

1. Mix condensed milk,sugar and milk together.
2. Cook over medium heat, constantly stirring.
3. Stir until the candy turns from side (has turned a little darker, thicker and doesn't stick to the side of pot).
4. Butter plate and pour onto plate. Cut before it cools.

Tip: don't leave it cooking for too long or when it cools it will be too brittle and crack allot.

BTW: The chocolate icing is actually nutella I poured into a rolled up piece of baking paper in a cone and squeezed out through the end.

Angry Birds brought to life!

I love angry birds. I'm pretty bad at it though but i still think it's awesome. Its so addictive and fun. Even my dads addicted to it. He finished the all the levels in just 2 weeks. But I never imagined anyone would do this. T-mobile have made another awesome display, bringing agry birds to life. Check it out:

Here are some more pics to feed your angry birds addiction:

I know, this doesn't look as good as the cake, but I'm proud to say that i made these lollies and decorated them myself. :D

Roses full of luv

Last night I went to a family friends wedding. Well just the reception because i couldn't make it to the actual wedding, but you have to admit, receptions are more fun. Sadly I was dumb enough to not bring my camera so I can't show you any pictures from then, but i got this.

Its the rose I took from the bride and grooms table. Don't worry, everyone was just taking them so i took one rose.

I have to admit it was a beautiful night full of laughter and tears (of joy). My great-grandma, who's 93, danced to Usher and looked the happiest I've seen her since I was alive. There were so many old people dancing, which was so sweet. They were acting like they were twenty again and had some attempts at crumping. It was funny to see people who were rigid and fragile breaking out into fist pumps and John Travolta dance moves.
There was one couple who humored me (ha i feel so smart using the word humoured). The girl was wearing a beautiful blue dress and her boyfriend was in a handsome suit. During the whole dinner they were talking and laughing, refusing to move from their chairs when their friends went off somewhere else. Then the music started and the girl, lets call her bubble, dragged her boyfriend, lets call him awkward turtle, into the dance floor. She started dancing and jumping around, as if someone injected sugar into her. But awkward turtle on the other hand just swayed to the beat while he watched her pull fun dance moves. When the next song came on he walked back to the table, with bubble jumping around behind him. They both sat down but bubble just kept bobbing and singing. She kept dancing in her seat while awkward turtle just sat and smiled. HAHAHA! He looked soo uncomfortable. He kept giving his friends looks that said "is she really doing this?" It finally came down to the last song and they both stood up and danced. This time awkward turtle really tried, but i knew why he didn't want to dance. Because he just couldn't. Once the music and dancing was done they were, once again, glued to each other. It was funny to see that the differences they had didn't effect their love.  

The vibe was great and the speeches were hilarious, some of the jokes the brides father made... a little too rude to write. It was a beautiful night and must have made the married couple happy. Congratulations to them I hope they have a beautiful life. God bless them. <3

Snow Whites Apple

Today I had an apple. And what a red apple it was! But I didn't realise its redness until i had taken a bite. I looked at it and instanly remembered Snow Whites Story. Argh! I had been poisoned! I laughed at the thought of it and just stared at my apple. It was such a pretty red.

I wanted to keep the apple and frame it, taking all the air out so it would't change colour...
But i ate it. :P

Wednesday 8 June 2011


OMG. I <3 THE HUNGER GAMES! Sorry for that very random fan moment but i swear, the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, is one of the best book series I've ever read. But before you cringe away at the words book , i need to tell you that they are making a movie from the series. So at least see the movie and then decide if you want to read the book. But hang on, before you turn down reading the book in the first place, at least read the synopsis/blurb for it:

Winning will make you famous.
Losing means certain death.

In a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called the Hunger Games. There is only one rule:
kill or be killed.

When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her sister's place in the games, she sees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to death before. For her, survival is second nature.

Yeah i know, it sounds dark and evil. And it is. But if you aren't much of a dystopian (meaning a world that you wouldn't want to live in) type of reader then don't turn it away completely. As much of a disturbing world it is, it has quite allot of romance. The story is well written and swallowed me into it straight away. I ho p that you guys will consider giving this book ago. If you still aren't convinced, click on the following link and it will take you to a excerpt from the book. DEFINITELY check it out.

If you want info on the movie coming out visit the Hunger Games Trilogy Fansite. They post everything about the movie like who plays what and when its being filmed. Just for your info Jennifer Lawrence will be playing Katniss Everdeen:

This is her as Katniss on the Entertainment Weekly Exclusive:

Peeta Mellark will be played by Josh Hutcherson:

Here's a fan-made picture of josh with blond hair (for Peeta's part), he might not exactly look like this in the movie but this is the ideal way to see him as Peeta:

And Gale Hawthorn will be played by Liam Hemsworth. He looks close to how Suzanne wrote Gale so I don't think there will be any drastic hair changes:

I hope you give the book a go after reading this post or at least see the movie. I'm so excited!!! The movie is scheduled to come out March 2012. Oh, "And may the odds be ever in your favour. (if you didn't get that, READ THE BOOK, and you'll understand) :P