Wednesday 8 June 2011


OMG. I <3 THE HUNGER GAMES! Sorry for that very random fan moment but i swear, the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, is one of the best book series I've ever read. But before you cringe away at the words book , i need to tell you that they are making a movie from the series. So at least see the movie and then decide if you want to read the book. But hang on, before you turn down reading the book in the first place, at least read the synopsis/blurb for it:

Winning will make you famous.
Losing means certain death.

In a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called the Hunger Games. There is only one rule:
kill or be killed.

When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her sister's place in the games, she sees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to death before. For her, survival is second nature.

Yeah i know, it sounds dark and evil. And it is. But if you aren't much of a dystopian (meaning a world that you wouldn't want to live in) type of reader then don't turn it away completely. As much of a disturbing world it is, it has quite allot of romance. The story is well written and swallowed me into it straight away. I ho p that you guys will consider giving this book ago. If you still aren't convinced, click on the following link and it will take you to a excerpt from the book. DEFINITELY check it out.

If you want info on the movie coming out visit the Hunger Games Trilogy Fansite. They post everything about the movie like who plays what and when its being filmed. Just for your info Jennifer Lawrence will be playing Katniss Everdeen:

This is her as Katniss on the Entertainment Weekly Exclusive:

Peeta Mellark will be played by Josh Hutcherson:

Here's a fan-made picture of josh with blond hair (for Peeta's part), he might not exactly look like this in the movie but this is the ideal way to see him as Peeta:

And Gale Hawthorn will be played by Liam Hemsworth. He looks close to how Suzanne wrote Gale so I don't think there will be any drastic hair changes:

I hope you give the book a go after reading this post or at least see the movie. I'm so excited!!! The movie is scheduled to come out March 2012. Oh, "And may the odds be ever in your favour. (if you didn't get that, READ THE BOOK, and you'll understand) :P

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