Monday 21 March 2011

Flying dog???

Nah its just a hyper dog that goes down stairs really fast. Or it could be a miracle? Nah im just playing, his owners feed him too much sugar.

Sunday 20 March 2011

E.T. phone home!

Heels are hard enough to walk in, but WTF are those??? See more retaded stuff at fail blog.

fashion fail - E.T. Phone Home
see more Poorly Dressed

Nunchuck jousting???

Why would you even atempt this??? I guess if you were an idiot who had idiotic friends, 2 nunchucks,2 skateboards, a camera and spare time...

Tuesday 15 March 2011


How awesome is this ping pong matrix!

This will scar you for life if it happened to you.

This is the most horrible position you could be in. Don't let this scare you from watching it... it isn't that bad. He was currently running for election but then this happened... Personally i feel sorry for the guy but its just so feakin' hilarious. Watch it and you'll see. I hope this never happens to any of my friends, my enimes on the other hand...

EMBED-Wet Pants Will Lose an Election - Watch more free videos

Japanese Flash Mob

Have you ever taken part or witnessed a flash mob? It's when a large group of people gather in a public place and perform an act for a brief time and then leave suddenly. Flash mobs are known for dance routines but there can be different types of flash mobs. Ones like pillow fights, statues and ones like this one:

And yes there are alot of japanese based posts but they are just so funny... especially their game shows. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but you have to admit, japanese game shows really over act.

Emo Nerd Smashes Room

This is seriously retarded. This emo nerd is playing a little of guitar hero on a really bad day. I know it's kinda long but watch the whole thing till the end and put the volume on so you can hear whats happening. Warning adult content: swearing(in case of parents) Have emo fun watching!

Crazy Japanese McDonalds add

This is a Japanese add for McDonalds. For us this just seems... weird. But maybe for them these adds are normal. Just watch how crazy the little kids get when they hear Spongebob ("Spunju Babbu" for them) talking.

HAHAHA its so weird.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Sweet Dreams!!!

Have you ever had a crazy dream where everything goes... well crazy. I just remembered one where my whole class was in the future. Everyone was dressed in retarded uniforms that reminded me of the Jetsons (an old cartoon series of the future and what it would be like living there. If u don't get it google it). We were on an excursion and was riding on a bus. When we stepped off  i realised it was a flying bus. How awesome would that be. We went in this museum where they were displaying experiments like robots and stuff.

Ther were these two experiments that we stayed at for ages and got to try out. The water tie and the 3D idividual tv. The water tie is a band that you can tie on your wrist and it won't fall off accidentally since it shrinks to fit. I never really found out how it does it but it puts this extremely tiny shield around your body (like a bubble) when you jump into water and turns off when you get out. You can't see it so it looks like you don't have a shield at all. It kind of outlines your body instead of a big circle. When you jump in it protects you from the water and keeps your clothes and hair from getting wet.  Everyone was given a band to put on and we all jumped in the water. When everyone got out it looked like everyone never had jumped in a pool. It was so cool.

Then there was the 3D individual tv. On specially made tv's each person gets a small censor to put around their neck. when the tv is turned on everyone see'sthe screen as 2D. Half of the class is told to switch on the 3D which is on the small censors. The people who turn the 3D on they see the screen as 3D and the people who didn't turn it on they see the same screen as the 3D people but view it in 2D instead. This invention would totally revolutionalise #3D experiences in the movies and even at home.

After that the dream ended, but i've had whackier dreams that i cant remember before. Im sure that if i have a weird dream again i'll post it on here. Do you guys have any weird dreams that you'd be willing to share? comment below and have nice dreams. Good Night!!! ( or Good Day depending on when your reading this but i wrote this late at night so...) Have a good night sleep!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

What is with the music???

Haha i started typing this in Music class and Miss dosent notice it even though she was walking all around the room.

In school we are being given homework about learning notes, beats and etc. on computer when before we were doing tests only around 3 times a year about the same thing.

I dont get the whole point of doing music on the computer. I mean music should be about playing it not doing theory all the time. :P blegh. Plus the computer thing means more homework for us. it would be easier to just have the tests we did before. I know techno music is on the computer and you have to use the computer for editing music, but learning about it. I dont think so.

What i've been noticing is that we are leaning so much on technology these days. Not saying that the iPod was a bad thing but it would be so nice if music lessons  werent'  on the computer. We have internet based things in English, Maths (its the worst), Geography (well last year), Religion and now Music. Screw all this homework. It would have been so nice if homework was never invented. Don't you recon?

Why do we have homework anyway? We work for hours and hours. And when we finally get home to relax, we have even  more work! What do they think when they give it to us? That we'll forget what we learnt overnight? And they don't even realise how much work they are giving themselves.I mean they are the ones who have to check it.

There has been a study about homework and what its positive learning effect it has on the kids recieving it. It shows that the younger kids who recieve homework dosent have any effects at all and for the older ones the benefits of homework lower after the first few assignments.

Not that most teachers know this but there has never been a homework theory and design on the curiculum at most teacher colleges so teachers haven't even been trained to give out homework. Too much homework eats into kids' playtime and family time, stressing them out, contributes to obesity, and keeps them from a childhood's measure of doing nothing, daydreaming and thinking.
I mean look how stressed this kid is:

But i guess if we had WAY less homework it would be better. WAY less means maybe only 1 thing to do every night and nothing for the weekends. Dont you think that would be better?

Friday 4 March 2011

My Bucket List!

Nowadays I have a sudden urge to watch stuff like national geographic and discovery channel (dorky right?) and the other day I came across this series called "Things to try before you die". It's a tv series that focuses on 1 counrty every episode and lists 30 things you should try when you visit that country.
Since that ep i've been addicted to the series and have been writing up my own list of things to try before I die, in other words a bucket list.

People say when you are writing a bucket list there should be a limit. But why would you do that? To make the list less fun? I have 31 things so far and i dont plan to stop.I can't wait to just go ahead and tick it all off, but as the rents say education first. >:P Here's my list (in no order):
  1. Skydive. Something everyone has to do at least once. (i should be ticking this one off soon)
  2. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef. A classic Aussie icon that needs to be explored.
  3. Cruise the Siene River (Paris, France)
  4. Visit the Lourve. Where Mona Lisa is kept.
  5. Climb the Eiffel Tower.
  6. See the Golden Gate Bridge... i don't know why i just want to see it.
  7. Go bungee jumping in New Zealand, the bungee jumping counrty! famous for ... bungee jumping lol
  8. See the 7 Wonders of the World... or at least 1 of them.
  9. Learn to play the guitar... well. lol
  10. Work for National Geographic
  11. Fly in a Hot Air Baloon.
  12. Write a bestseller.
  13. Have a star named after myself.
  14. Sleep under the stars.
  15. Go to the Grand Canyon.
  16. Stick a piece of chewed gum on Bubblegum Alley, California (if you don't know what it is google it)
  17. See the Northern (or Southern) lights.
  18. Visit Tiger Temple in Thailand.
  19. Have a house by the ocean. It means easy access to the surf. lol
  20. Cruise the Milford Sound, New Zealand.
  21. Run into the mouth of a volcano... a dormant one btw. It doesn't look as crazy as it sounds.
  22. Go Zorbing. It's when you roll down a hill inside an inflated ball. If you still don't get it google it.
  23. Go on a real African safari.
  24. Go rock climbing.
  25. Go absailing.
  26. Go to Table Mountain in Africa and absail that. lol
  27. Go on a road trip with my besties.
  28. Run the City 2 Surf (or walk it... I dont care as long as I enter, I don't care if I come last)
  29. Swim with dolphins.
  30. Ride a gondola in Venice.
  31. Witness an eclipse.
I really want to make this list as big as i can. People would think its crazy how much stuff goes on my list but i want to live life to the full not on neutral.I mean i've got a few odd years to tick them all off and a couple of the things on the list I can do together in one day. So if you have any ideas for new things to try or want to share your own bucket list feel free to comment. Hopefully you won't get offended if I copy some of your ideas. please comment!

Wednesday 2 March 2011


This is my first blog. The title "yeah,thats right... i got a blog" doesn't really give away what i would be blogging about... but i thought having a blog and writting on it would be fun. This blog won't have a certain theme. This blog will be about anything that strikes as intresting during my hell of a boring life. My family, friends and anything exciting will have to be on this blog. But any stalkers out there are not going to get any info out of me so back off. haha Hopefully you will get excited by somthing i blog about and will try it out. please comment on my other posts but no crap. please.