Tuesday 8 March 2011

What is with the music???

Haha i started typing this in Music class and Miss dosent notice it even though she was walking all around the room.

In school we are being given homework about learning notes, beats and etc. on computer when before we were doing tests only around 3 times a year about the same thing.

I dont get the whole point of doing music on the computer. I mean music should be about playing it not doing theory all the time. :P blegh. Plus the computer thing means more homework for us. it would be easier to just have the tests we did before. I know techno music is on the computer and you have to use the computer for editing music, but learning about it. I dont think so.

What i've been noticing is that we are leaning so much on technology these days. Not saying that the iPod was a bad thing but it would be so nice if music lessons  werent'  on the computer. We have internet based things in English, Maths (its the worst), Geography (well last year), Religion and now Music. Screw all this homework. It would have been so nice if homework was never invented. Don't you recon?

Why do we have homework anyway? We work for hours and hours. And when we finally get home to relax, we have even  more work! What do they think when they give it to us? That we'll forget what we learnt overnight? And they don't even realise how much work they are giving themselves.I mean they are the ones who have to check it.

There has been a study about homework and what its positive learning effect it has on the kids recieving it. It shows that the younger kids who recieve homework dosent have any effects at all and for the older ones the benefits of homework lower after the first few assignments.

Not that most teachers know this but there has never been a homework theory and design on the curiculum at most teacher colleges so teachers haven't even been trained to give out homework. Too much homework eats into kids' playtime and family time, stressing them out, contributes to obesity, and keeps them from a childhood's measure of doing nothing, daydreaming and thinking.
I mean look how stressed this kid is:

But i guess if we had WAY less homework it would be better. WAY less means maybe only 1 thing to do every night and nothing for the weekends. Dont you think that would be better?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha look at that kids face lol :P yeahh i totally agree with u monica-homework suckss :( its a rather stupid idea really.
    Hehe i am the first person 2 eva comment on this blog!! hehe now u hav 2 treat me xtra special monica!! cuz ur blog doesnt look loner anymore!! lol jks it was never loner
