Friday 4 March 2011

My Bucket List!

Nowadays I have a sudden urge to watch stuff like national geographic and discovery channel (dorky right?) and the other day I came across this series called "Things to try before you die". It's a tv series that focuses on 1 counrty every episode and lists 30 things you should try when you visit that country.
Since that ep i've been addicted to the series and have been writing up my own list of things to try before I die, in other words a bucket list.

People say when you are writing a bucket list there should be a limit. But why would you do that? To make the list less fun? I have 31 things so far and i dont plan to stop.I can't wait to just go ahead and tick it all off, but as the rents say education first. >:P Here's my list (in no order):
  1. Skydive. Something everyone has to do at least once. (i should be ticking this one off soon)
  2. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef. A classic Aussie icon that needs to be explored.
  3. Cruise the Siene River (Paris, France)
  4. Visit the Lourve. Where Mona Lisa is kept.
  5. Climb the Eiffel Tower.
  6. See the Golden Gate Bridge... i don't know why i just want to see it.
  7. Go bungee jumping in New Zealand, the bungee jumping counrty! famous for ... bungee jumping lol
  8. See the 7 Wonders of the World... or at least 1 of them.
  9. Learn to play the guitar... well. lol
  10. Work for National Geographic
  11. Fly in a Hot Air Baloon.
  12. Write a bestseller.
  13. Have a star named after myself.
  14. Sleep under the stars.
  15. Go to the Grand Canyon.
  16. Stick a piece of chewed gum on Bubblegum Alley, California (if you don't know what it is google it)
  17. See the Northern (or Southern) lights.
  18. Visit Tiger Temple in Thailand.
  19. Have a house by the ocean. It means easy access to the surf. lol
  20. Cruise the Milford Sound, New Zealand.
  21. Run into the mouth of a volcano... a dormant one btw. It doesn't look as crazy as it sounds.
  22. Go Zorbing. It's when you roll down a hill inside an inflated ball. If you still don't get it google it.
  23. Go on a real African safari.
  24. Go rock climbing.
  25. Go absailing.
  26. Go to Table Mountain in Africa and absail that. lol
  27. Go on a road trip with my besties.
  28. Run the City 2 Surf (or walk it... I dont care as long as I enter, I don't care if I come last)
  29. Swim with dolphins.
  30. Ride a gondola in Venice.
  31. Witness an eclipse.
I really want to make this list as big as i can. People would think its crazy how much stuff goes on my list but i want to live life to the full not on neutral.I mean i've got a few odd years to tick them all off and a couple of the things on the list I can do together in one day. So if you have any ideas for new things to try or want to share your own bucket list feel free to comment. Hopefully you won't get offended if I copy some of your ideas. please comment!

1 comment:

  1. Heyy Mon

    When we get old enough 2 drive me,u G, Jo,Court, Sasha, Chloe and sharon should go on a field trip (maybe with some hot guys, lol) around Auz in a combie or 2 depending how many there r!!!!
